CoLab Mathematics announces Summer Course and Workshop on Machine Learning

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

5 Aug 2010

The five-day course followed by a two-day workshop will take place May 31 to June 7 at UT Austin.

The syllabus for the summer course states:

This Summer Course introduces a range of machine learning models and optimization tools that are used to apply these models in practice. For the students with some Machine Learning background the course will introduce what lies behind the optimization tools often used as a black box as well as an understanding of the trade-offs of numerical accuracy and theoretical and empirical complexity. For the students with some Optimization background this course will introduce a variety of applications arising in Machine Learning and Statistics as well as novel optimization methods targeting these applications. The models we will cover include: support vector machines, sparse regression, sparse PCA, collaborative filtering, dimensionality reduction. The optimization methods will include interior point, active set, stochastic gradient, coordinate descent, cutting planes method.

Travel support is available from both Portugal and the US. 

For complete details see:

See also the 2011 Summer School and Workshop to be held June 13-24 at IST in Lisbon.