CoLab Mathematics announces 2011 Summer School and Workshop in Lisbon

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

24 Jan 2011

The two-week event will be held at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, June 13-24, 2011.

The CoLab Mathematics Summer School and Workshop is a yearly event that aims at bringing together Ph.D. students and junior faculty with well known experts in the several areas of mathematics.

This event will be held in the Mathematics Department of Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, from June 13-24, 2011.

The Summer School will take place in the first week, June 13-17. The topic will be Aubry Mather Theory and Optimal Transport. The faculty for this school (L. Ambrosio, P. Bernard, Y. Brenier, and A. Figalli) are internationally known experts in these fields. We believe that their courses will be extremely useful for Ph.D. students, postdocs and established researchers who wish to broaden their knowledge in this very active area of research.

The Nonlinear PDEs Workshop will make up the second week, June 20-24. It aims at bringing together researchers in several areas of nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications.

For registration and full details see:

See also the Summer Course and Workshop on Machine Learning to be held May 31 - June 7 at UT Austin.