Winter Advanced Computing Seminar announced

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

14 Dec 2010

A three-day seminar on topics in parallel programming is to take place 10-12 January 2011 at U.Minho.

The Winter Advanced Computing Seminar (WACS) is aimed at PhD students in Advanced Digital Media and in Computer Science. It will take place in Braga at the University of Minho, from January 10 to 12, 2011. For more details please visit:

The main goal of the event is to bring expert researchers from Austin together with graduate students in Portugal to address parallelism, a topic that is relevant for every software developer today. The US speakers are Keshav Pingali (Director of the Advanced Computing program in CoLab@Austin), Calvin Lin and Martin Burtscher (both also from the Computer Science Department and ICES, in Austin).

The preliminary agenda is:

Monday (open to a wide audience)

An overview of parallel applications and algorithms
Keshav Pingali

Tuesday (targeted to specialists)

Irregular Applications on GPU
Martin Burtscher

Wednesday (open to any interested CS graduate student)

State of the Art in Parallel Languages (including PGAS)
Calvin Lin

GPU programming, as a co-processor device
Martin Burtscher

Towards a science of parallel programming
Keshav Pingali