UD15 Call for Papers in Design

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

17 Jul 2015

The organizing committee of UD15 welcomes papers of research projects that are Under Development from PhD students candidates in and around Design field.

Our definition of Design is open to be broaden, challenged and bridged between kindred practices. We invite for contributions from anyone whose work is somewhat relevant to design as an act or process of creation.

UD is an annual, peer-reviewed conference series organised by the PhD in Design Programs of University of Porto and University of Aveiro.

This year, UD stands for Under Development: doctoral research in Design currently in progress or recently completed.

UD15 invites PhD students, candidates and prospective scholars in Design to share the accomplishments, uncertainties, puzzlements and challenges they face during their research process and to unravel them with other participants. The forum aims to create a pool of common issues and inquiries that have yet to be addressed, resolved and embraced. We welcome chaos, celebration, failures, epiphanies, dilemmas and freak-outs and encourage absence of fear.

Key Dates
Call for Papers: 4 May 2015.
Submission Deadline: 31 July 2015.
Authors Registration Deadline: 30 September 2015.
Forum: 19-20 October 2015.

For more information please visit http://www.ud15.org/