U.Frame Features UT Austin | Portugal Talent

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

1 Nov 2010

Students from UT Austin and U.Porto present their short films at international festival.

The U.Frame international student film festival was held this October in A Coruña, Spain. This year, UT Austin sent two Radio-Television-Film students to the festival to present their work. Angela Chen was a finalist in the fiction competition with her film “By Jude,” a domestic drama that includes the perspective of a boy with a camera. RTF MFA student Angela Torres, also attended the festival and screened her pre-thesis film, “Frente Noreste (Northeast Front)," which portrays a true story about drug violence in Mexico.

Students from U.Porto also presented work at the festival, including Guilherme dos Santos Junior and Joâo José da Costa Batista Pereira.

Professor Stuart Kelban served as a judge for the festival in 2010 and conducted a master class in Writing for the Short Film to 50 students.  Kelban commented that this class addressed some of the weaknesses in the movies he screened:  “They need more focus on storytelling and characters.  It all begins with the script, and the sooner you recognize that the better off you are.”