Three CoLab participants are finalists for Prémio ZON 2010

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

2 Dec 2010

Alumni of the Digital Media Internship Program and the ZON Script Lab are among finalists for this year's ZON prize.

Three of the ten Prémio ZON finalists in the category Short Films had previously developed their skills in visits to Austin.  The three are:

Pedro Resende for "Talvez..."

Pierre-Marie Jézéquel  for "De Castigo"

Ricardo Filipe Feio  for "Dia do Desassossego"

Resende carried out a Digital Media Professional Internship at the Austin post-production house 501 Post, while Jézéquel and Feio were participants in the summer 2010 ZON Intensive Script Development Lab.

The Prémio ZON Creatividade em Multimédia is the largest monetary prize awarded in Portugal in a multidisciplinary competition, with prizes totaling 200 000 euros and a single grand prize of 50 000 euros.

In addition to monetary awards, the first prize winner in each category is eligible to receive a scholarship from the FCT to conduct research at the University of Texas at Austin.