Sofia Vairinho and Hugo Barros discuss their UTEN internship experiences at CMU

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

15 May 2010

Two UTEN interns give first-person perspectives.

Sofia Vairinho“Through the UTEN program, from FCT, my insertion on a Professional Development Program at Carnegie Mellon University (CTTEC and CMU General Counsel) from 29 March till 25 April, represented a unique opportunity to contact, in a labor context, with the legal procedures and methods regarding the use and implementations of intellectual property, technology transfer and commercialization strategies. Thanking
to all the great “Professional Teachers” at CMU the goal of my professional development program was achieved and a new step was given on the implementation of new methodologies regarding the knowledge development and a new era for enterprises creation.” -Sofia Vairinho

Hugo Barros“The professional development program, developed at the Centre for Technology Transfer and Enterprise Creation (CTTEC) of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) from March 1st to April 23rd, aimed to the development and consolidation of competences in technology licensing and commercialization, as well as benchmarking good practices on entrepreneurship and technology transfer from CMU and from the Pittsburgh region. The professional development program was an amazing opportunity to learn and share experiences with some extraordinary individuals and institutions in one of the best Universities in the world, as well as to develop a network of international contacts.” -Hugo Barros