“Moving Art” to show work by CoLab student animators

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

7 May 2012

Saturday May 19, 15h00, at Espaço Nova Geração in Vale de Cambra

"Moving Art" is a show of films produced in Experimental Animation classes, including the Advanced Summer Institute program of the UT Austin|Portugal Colab, and the Ghosts of Spaces Workshop at the futureplaces festival. The show will also feature works by students from ESMAE and the University of Minho.

In addition to works by students, the program will include films by Jeanne Stern (USA) and Luís Grifu (Animagus).

This is the third show of its kind, the first having been held at Cinema Passos Manuel, Porto, on July 16, 2011, and the second at Espaço Anémona in the same city on January 26, 2012.

For more details see the announcement on Facebook.

Moving Art poster