Mathematics Collaboration Between UT Austin and U.Coimbra

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

15 Apr 2010

Professors from The University of Texas at Austin and The University of Coimbra collaborate in the mathematics section of the UT Austin | Portugal program.

Professors Luís Daniel Abreu (U.Coimbra) and John Gilbert (UT Austin) started a collaboration in the area of mathematical signal analysis. Their focus is “Harmonic analysis on contractions of the phase plane," in the mathematics section of the UT Austin | Portugal program. For this purpose, Professor Abreu visited Austin in July 2009 and January 2010.

The two researchers apply the representation theory of the contractions of the Heisenberg group to the construction of frames. They use methods from complex and harmonic analysis. Their theoretical results may lead to new implementable algorithms for the analysis and synthesis of signals supported on compact sets.

The outcome of this research is expected to promote a transference of knowledge between the mathematics and communications engineering communities involved in the UT Austin | Portugal program.