Kathleen Tyner Provided Keynote Speech at the 2nd International Conference on Serious Games

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

15 Apr 2010

Kathleen Tyner presented An Array of Play: Games for Living and Learning at VS Games 2010.

Kathleen Tyner, an assistant professor in the Radio-Television-Film department at The University of Texas at Austin, presented the opening keynote speech at the Second International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications. The conference occurred March 25-26, 2010, in Braga, Portugal. Her speech, An Array of Play: Games for Living and Learning, presented a wide range of contexts for serious games and virtual worlds across academic disciplines.

The conference, hosted by the Universidade de Minho in Braga, convened researchers, game producers, and computer scientists from around the world to present and discuss the latest research in the area of “serious games.” The 2011 conference will be held in Greece. To see complete details, including the winning research papers, please see http://www.vsgames2010.org/.

On March 23, 2010, as part of the CoLab effort to identify co-supervision activities for students, Professor Tyner presented her research on digital media to graduate students at the University of Porto. Professor Artur Pimenta Alves, co-director of digital media at the University of Porto, coordinated the meeting. It offered an opportunity for students to present their current work and to learn about links to people and resources that could support their research.