FCT announces UT Austin|Portugal 2014 R&D call

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

24 Apr 2014

Deadline for applications is 24 June 2014.

The UT Austin|Portugal Program has released its 2014 call for R&D projects in the following areas:

poster for CoLab 2014 R&D call

  • Video Games
  • Digital Media Content and Tools
  • Media Processing and Retrieval
  • E-Health
  • Emerging Technologies

The Emerging Technologies category covers a variety of Nanotechnology-related research topics including nanoparticle systems, additive manufacturing, and advanced modeling and simulation of nano processes, as well as non-nano topics ranging from HCI to wearable devices. Details and further examples can be found in the Terms of Reference.

The FCT is calling for applications from combined teams of researchers in Digital Media and/or Emerging Technologies in collaboration with specialists in Advanced Computing and Mathematics.

The program will support two types of projects: Exploratory projects of up to € 30 000, for a maximum of 12 months, and involving at least one Portuguese research institution plus UT Austin; and Scientific Research and Technological Development projects of up to € 200 000, for up to 36 months, and involving at least two Portuguese institutions, UT Austin, and private companies.

For more information, see:

FCT page (Portuguese, English)

Edital / Announcement of the Call (Portuguese, English)

Terms of Reference

Online application

The deadline for applications is 24 June 2014.