Digital Media e-Health Symposium

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

28 Jan 2015

The UT Austin-Portugal Digital Media Program invites faculty and students studying communication and health-related topics to attend a research symposium held on February 6 at FCT-UNL (9h30 to 17h30).

This meeting brings together scholars from UT Austin and Portuguese universities pursuing research on a variety of e-Health topics, and is intended to strengthen the health informatics research community across partner institutions and provide a space for researchers to exchange ideas and find points of mutual interest.

We invite you to participate either as a presenter or as an interested researcher. Faculty members and graduate students at Portuguese partner institutions are encouraged to participate and share their research in informal presentations. Talks on various areas of e-Health are welcome.

If you plan on attending the symposium, please visit:
Registration is mandatory.