David Kirk, former chief scientist at NVIDIA, in Portugal for an advanced computing workshop

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

1 Jul 2010

David Kirk visited Braga, Portugal, to share his knowledge and help participants with hands-on advanced computing exercises.

David Kirk

The University of Minho and The University of Texas at Austin organized Summer School: e-Science with Many-Core CPU/GPU Processors for June 14-18, 2010. David Kirk, chief scientist at NVIDIA from 1997 to 2009, participated as one of the instructors. David took part in several talks during the event, namely: “Introduction to Many-Core Processors” on June 14; “CUDA Threading Model & CUDA Memory Model” on June 15; “New Fermi and CUDA 3.0 features” on June 17; and “The Power of Heterogeneous Computing in Future Generations of Computer Graphics Systems” on June 18.

David Kirk and four other people at the event

In addition to knowledge, the program provided hands-on experience. Participants developed applications software for many-core processors with massively-parallel computing resources. By the end of the event, participants gained an understanding of algorithm styles that are suitable for accelerators and the most important architectural performance considerations for developing applications. Instructors shared computational thinking skills for accelerating science and engineering applications. Participants learned how to engage computing accelerators on science and engineering breakthroughs.