Conference call for Law Section, IAMCR 2011

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

6 Jan 2011

Calls for papers are out for the 2011 conference of the International Association of Media and Communication Research, July 13-17 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The theme of the 2011 conference of the International Association of Media and Communication Research is "Cities, Creativity, Connectivity." The full call for the conference, which will be in Istanbul from July 13-17, can be found at The deadline for submission of abstracts for consideration is February 8, 2011.

The Law Section of IAMCR welcomes papers and panels related to the conference theme, including such topics as:

- the legal context for creativity (eg, intellectual property rights, government support for and constraints on innovation and developments, etc.),

- adaptations of communication laws and regulations for specific types of city environments (eg, within free trade zones, along borders, or where violence is rife),

- the uses of laws and regulations to carve out different types of communicative spaces within cities (eg, zoning ordinances, laws pertaining to the use of large screens and other media in public spaces, public art, etc.),

- historical and contemporary effects of the increasing networking density of cities and changes in communication law and regulation,

- relationships between place as a medium for centers of creativity (as in innovation-rich environments like Silicon Valley) and intellectual property rights,

- differences in legal approaches to communication infrastructure and other issues in urban and rural environments, and

- the development of laws and regulations constraining and enabling speech in cities within virtual worlds and other online city-like environments.

Other paper and panel proposals pertaining to the section mission are also welcome. The section is open to all theoretical and methodological approaches, and particularly encourages attention to comparative, international, and global legal matters as well as research on communication law at the national and sub-national levels.

For further information, contact:

Chair Sandra Braman (
Co-Vice Chairs Slavka Antonova (, Mohammed Ullah Sahid (