CloudViews cloud computing conference in Porto 20-21 May, 2010

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

1 Apr 2010

The CloudViews 2010 conference will convene IT professionals, researchers, and service providers in the cloud computing field.

Organized by EuroCloud Portugal, CloudViews 2010 is the second annual edition of the conference. This year's theme is the "Cloud Ecosystem" and discussion topics will include:

  • Cloud elasticity
  • Cloud computing platforms interoperability
  • Data management
  • IT departments and cloud computing integration
  • User perspective – how Internet (the cloud) will become our PC
  • Encryption and security technologies
  • Predictability and provision platforms
  • SLAs monitoring and agreements contracts
  • Elastic networks
  • Companies and startup opportunities – how to become a cloud computing provider and how to use cloud computing to add (real) value to business

The deadline for submitting paper proposals is 15 April, 2010.  For more information, please see:

A related initiative, the EuroCloud Portugal Call for Business, plans to include business sessions at EuroCloud 2010 as well as a road show of informal sessions around Portugal in April and May.