Bruce Pennycook Presented at Gear Up: Sound and Interactive Media

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

15 Apr 2010

Pennycook presented on the first day. The event took place in Portugal April 7-12, 2010.

Bruce Pennycook participated at Gear Up: Sound and Interactive Media as a presenter. The event took place at Universidade da Beira Interior, in Covilhã. It joined researchers, musicians, artists, research centers, and companies connected to interactive media from such countries as the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Japan, and Portugal.

Gear Up 2010 poster.

Gear Up was a five-day event with conferences and workshops during the day and project presentations and multimedia concerts at night. Pennycook presented on April 7, 2010, together with Jade Walker (USA), Teresa Dilon (IRL, UK, PT), and Roger B. Dannenberg (USA), among others. This event also saw presentations from some of the main multimedia design companies in Portugal, such as YDreams, Near Interaction, Edigma, and Creative BitBox.