5th Emerging Technologies Workshop video

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

3 May 2016

The 5th Emerging Technologies Workshop video is already available.

The Workshop, organized by Paula M. Vilarinho, was held at the University of Aveiro (Auditório Mestre Hélder Castanheira, Livraria da Universidade de Aveiro) on February 24th 2016. The main objective of the Workshop was fostering collaborations within the scientific areas of CoLab.

The event gathered over 50 scientists from different universities in Portugal: University of Aveiro, University of Coimbra, University of Lisbon, University of Minho, University of Porto, New University of Lisbon and International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL). Two guests from The University of Texas at Austin were also present, Dr. James Sham and Professor Paulo Ferreira.

The working program included initial short presentations from the participants followed by a stimulating talk of Dr. James Sham on "Creating collaborations between artists and scientists / engineers". This was the starting point for the brain storming session among the participants towards collaborative projects.