2nd Meeting on Digital Media Research Methods (DiMe 2014)

Interdisciplinary research,
education and capacity building

19 Nov 2014

DiMe 2014 will be held in Porto, Portugal, on December 05th, 2014 and aims to create a forum for discussion and sharing, among Digital Media PhD students on Research Methods topics.

The main theme of the meeting will be Digital Media Research Methods: challenges and new opportunities.

New (digital) media have come to dominate social interaction and everyday life. Where the first decade of the 21st century was still centered on web sites, the second decade seems to be all about social interactions, social networking and its importance in everyday life practices. However, this development raises interesting questions concerning research strategies.

Several research methodology topics will be addressed at DiMe 2014, including:

- Theoretical studies
- Empirical studies: Documental studies
- Empirical studies // Non-documental studies: Experimental and quasi-experimental studies.
- Empirical studies // Non-documental studies: Non experimental studies.

Authors should also define their data treatment methods according to the following streams:

- Quantitative methods
- Qualitative methods
- Mixed methods

For full information please visit: http://paginas.fe.up.pt/~dime2014/?page=about